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Smoothies Over Candy? Transitioning to a More Natural Family Diet

I asked my oldest son, Oliver, yesterday after his nap, if he would like a piece of Halloween candy (and yes I replaced his Halloween candy with “better for you and more natural treats”).  He stood there for a few seconds, thinking and preceded to say, “Actually mom… I would like a green smoothie instead”  🤨… this came from my 3 year old…

I was grinning from ear to ear inside and followed up with, “Are you sure?”  He said, “Yes mom, Im sure!” Like what the heck mom, didn’t you hear me the first time.  So the child got a delicious, healthy, nutrient packed, green smoothie and saved his candy for another day. My heart was so happy and I gave myself a self high-five for that one.


A little background on my family…

We are pretty healthy eaters. I was raised by parents who ate very healthy, so a fast food, highly processed diet was never in my behavior.  My mom gave us weird herbs and natural remedies… and I follow suite.

Oliver and I are allergic to wheat and have one of the celiac genes, but not full blown celiacs.  My youngest son, Lincoln is affected by dairy (so I can’t eat it either because I am still nursing him 😞).  So we keep those foods out of everyone’s diet, for the most part.

We do eat meat and try also to make all of our meals at home.  We don’t eat out a lot, nor do we eat a lot of packaged and processed food. Perhaps a few snacks here and there because Oliver is the pickiest eater ever! He is very concerned with the texture and the look of the food. If it has one little stringy thing poking out or looks funny in anyway, he will not eat it or will gag on it. So, I have to spend 5 extra minutes making his food look nice and perfect on his plate before he sits down to eat.🤗

Because of his pickiness and texture-phobia, we make a lot of green smoothies!  He would live off of them if I allowed him to. It’s the only way I can get him to eat fruit.  He will eat vegetables, but I add a lot of those in our smoothie anyways… so bonus.  His body probably craves the nutrients in the fruit and vegetables and that’s also why he loves them so much!


Be the example for your kids

My boys eat and enjoy healthier foods, because that’s all they know. That’s all they have had.  Yes, occasionally we let my older son have other treats and not so good for you foods, but it is not very often.  My husband and I don’t eat treats and processed foods regularly either, so he doesn’t feel like he’s missing out. We snack on vegetables and fruits and also offer them to our kids throughout the day or before dinner and they devour them.

I believe that when you are the example for your kids, you can raise them up in the way that they should go…in any category.  We like to be the living example to our kids for a healthier and more natural lifestyle.  We exercise and eat healthy with them, all hoping that it will rub off on them and they will make healthier choices as they get older.  And today was my first real proof of that… with his halloween candy. 🙌

Kids enjoying vegetables


Little kids like to do what the parents do

Even if you didn’t start your kids out in a more healthy nature, you can still train and teach them about it at any stage.  As long as your doing the same!  They always want to be like their parents…. At least while they are young… Im not so sure about that when they are older. ha!

Oliver will change from his tennis shoes to sandals when he finds out I am wearing sandals. They love to be like us and do what we do.  Lincoln has his own way and strong personality already and he’s only 14 months old, but he still tries to copy what we are doing sometimes.

So if the goal for your house is to eat healthier for example, then make the change yourself first and then incorporate it into your kids lives. Let them finish up the “not so good foods” you have left in your house and then only buy better options and say, sorry we don’t eat xyz food anymore. Sure they may throw a little fit and not eat that afternoon, but eventually they will get hungry and try one of your new alternatives. Then briefly and casually talk about how strong and healthy YOU will become from eating these foods and how good their bodies and bellies will feel after eating them as well.  Don’t force them, just only provide healthier options!

👉 I know every family dynamic is different, so I’m not guaranteeing this will work.  I’ve just seen it work with my family and a few of my friends and clients.

Kids enjoying cooking


Get them involved in food prep and grocery shopping

The more involved your kids are in shopping for and preparing their foods, the more excited they become about eating those foods.  At the grocery store, we take our time in the fruit and vegetable section, smelling, touching and exploring all the different colors and varieties of each whole natural food.  Then I let both my boys, 3 years and 14 months, cut the soft veggies in preparation for dinner… like mushrooms, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. They absolutely love it… and most of the time they will also try what they cut and enjoy it when its cooked as well… my younger son is definitely more adventurous in this category.  However, my older son will too if I do not make it a big deal.

Just FYI, we use the Guidecraft kitchen helper stool for the kids to stand on.  It is an amazing stool to have for your kids to be able to help you prep food in the kitchen… or to just eat lunch on.  My boys use it all the time and now fight over it. 💚 I love the one that folds up so I can store it out of the way, right up against my counter.

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Kids enjoying vegetables


Everything in moderation

Now, I know you’re thinking how nice that sounds but doesn’t sound like a reality. Well, I always say, everything in moderation, the good and the “bad”.  There are always exceptions to the rule.  If you LOVE chocolate cake and you want your kids to enjoy that sweet treat with you every so often, then eat the chocolate cake. Perhaps not every day but maybe 2x a month, for example.  And when you eat it, take your time and enjoy every bite, and do it with your kids.  … There are always exceptions. Which is also a very important lesson to teach your kids! We want to LIVE a natural and fit life NOT be confined to one.


There you have it…

So make the healthier choice and obtain the Naturally Fit Lifestyle for your whole family…. And drink more smoothies!  Find out our favorite smoothie recipe here!


How did you transition your family to a healthier diet? Please comment below!

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